
Stand out in a crowd
Sponsor a Quacktacular Event for a Quacktacular Cause!
People all over the country will be quacking about Rubber Duck Race at the Lake. Float if Forward has been getting a lot of attention (both locally and nationally), your business will be able to catch on to the wave we are creating!
As one of our sponsors you will receive great visibility - people are talking about us and now you'll be recognized as one of our partners!
Lucky Duck Sponsor $500
(2 available)
Logo/name on event t-shirts, marketing, social media, email, print materials
Mention at event announcements
2 Complimentary event t-shirts
1 Complimentary Lifesaver Ring Buoy
Logo/name on Rubber Duck Race at the Lake website marketing (link to your site provided)
Our Peeps Sponsors $250
Logo/name on Rubber Duck Race at the Lake website marketing (link to your site provided)
Sponsor today!
Get in touch so we can secure your sponsorship place today. Let us know what sponsorship level you're interested in.